Physical and mental fatigue, unwillingness to do anything, emotional and muscular tension – all these problems are more likely to pile up simultaneously at the end of the work day. People who sit in a chair all day, work with paperwork in an office, provide services, stand behind a counter, do construction – everyone gets tired. Relaxing back and body massage helps relieve tension, energize you, and bring back joy, good spirits, and the ability to enjoy life.
Relaxing massage for men and relaxing massage for women are practically the same in terms of technique. While classic and therapeutic are categorized differently, in the case of relaxing it is more straightforward. It is suitable for almost everyone. This is the only type of massage, which is safe to do and those who are healthy, and those who suffer from certain problems with the spine, lower back, neck.
In our studio you can order massage for couples. This format is possible in corporate settings, as well as in other places. For example, home massage is popular because the masseur comes to the place where the client usually plans to stay. It is convenient in that the relaxed person can lie on the couch, watch TV, to restore the forces finally.
The benefits of a relaxing massage
To characterize the benefits of a relaxing back massage can be as follows: it is an activity that will help as if to change, freeing yourself from excessive fetters, problems, stiffness. Along with the release of tension come positive thoughts that help you act to achieve your goals.
Relaxing massage for men and women is equally useful. To characterize the benefits of its periodic conduct of the hands of an experienced masseur can be described as follows:
Relieving muscle clamps. Problems arise in different places, because all the muscles of the body are involved in movement, facial expressions, any movements. Especially clamps appear in the muscles that are subjected to the highest stress, and it is not necessary to do physical work for this to happen. For example, you have been sitting in a chair all day, often slouching without noticing it. As a result, every day more and more began to hurt your neck. The problem is the so-called cumulative effect of fatigue, increased strain on certain departments. Massage carried out at home, relaxing, restorative, it helps to remove the clamps, and therefore get rid of pain.
Therapeutic effect. Osteochondrosis is a serious problem. It can progress gradually for a long time, aggravating the musculoskeletal system. If a person doesn’t practice any sports, often stooping, or is in an uncomfortable position, osteochondrosis will progress. Most often it starts with the back, then the disease spreads to the neck. Spa massage for relaxation strengthens muscles, slows down negative processes in the back and neck, characterized by a therapeutic effect.
Work on the pinched nerve. Foot massage can also be relaxing. If you often walk in heels, you are likely to have sore feet and swelling. This usually occurs due to pinched nerves and overloaded muscles. If there is a problem, contact our masseur in St. Petersburg. You can also order a massage for two with a co-worker, girlfriend, sister.
Removal of toxins. To achieve this result, not only a classic relaxation massage is done, but also work is done on the abdominal area. As a result, intestinal peristalsis and digestion improves, and the excretion of toxins is accelerated.
Lymphatic drainage effect. All kinds of massage improve the outflow of lymph, and with it all harmful things are removed from the body.
Improves blood circulation. When you sit for a long time, blood is poorly distributed throughout the tissues and organs. The legs are more often affected and stagnation occurs in them. The result can be a more pronounced cellulite, flabby, weak connective tissue, unhealthy skin. Relaxing massage for women is a way to improve not only the state of health, but also to contribute to a change in appearance for the better.
The positive effect on the blood vessels. The health of the organs and systems depends on the state of the blood vessels. Their sufficient tone will reduce the likelihood of stroke and heart attack, thrombosis, varicose veins, migraines and other diseases.
Relaxing massage for men and women helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system, relieve nervous tension, recover after a difficult period.
Article provided by Bella Spa
Contact Information:
Bella Spa Massage Dubai
17 floor, DusitD2 Kens Hotel
Barsha Heights, Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Bella Spa Massage Dubai
+971 55 582 6026

Snowboarder, doer, band member, Mad Men fan and front-end developer. Acting at the nexus of simplicity and programing to craft meaningful ideas that endure. Concept is the foundation of everything else.